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DISCIPLINE: Your Greatest Asset

Darica Diers

The Software that Almost Never Happened

Do you ever create goals for yourself and then quietly give up on them before even trying?

Do you wonder how some people seem to coast gracefully through life running half marathons and you struggle to run a half a mile before giving up.

The difference between most people and the people that you see crushing their goals comes down to one word... Discipline.

When I made the decision to quit my job on November 13th, 2019, I had good intentions to start my own business, but it almost never happened.

The worrier in me almost talked myself out of it 100 times.The sheer magnitude of effort and money that it takes to start a business wasalmost too overwhelming.

However, I have always been an extremely hard worker and I thought I could save money by doing nearly everything on my own.

The problem with this is this - it’s not enough to be a hardworker, you have to be extremely disciplined with your time to create abusiness from scratch. And when you are disciplined, anything is possible.

What does it mean to be disciplined with your time?

Being discplined does not mean pushing yourself to do more. Being disciplined means doing more of the right things.

Motidash helps you create a strategic plan, incentivizes you to work on it every day, and helps you stay connected with the other people on your team who are also trying to accomplish their goals.

How it Works

Based on psychological research on human motivation, Motidash uses the pricniples of goals, real-time feedback and gamification to help salespeople become more disciplined with their time and get more things done.

  • Micro-goals provide direction and alignment. They also give you something to look forward to.
  • Real-time feedback provides a boost of dopamine, motivation and job satisfaction.
  • Gamification creates a culture of connection, accountability and competition.

Individually, micro-goals, real-time feedback and gamification have the potential to increase discipline. And there are software solutions out there that are designed for this.

But let me save you some time. I have tried almost every one of these solutions and none of them solve the problem of improving discipline and motivation in salespeople like me.

The only solution I found was to create my own software that I continuously evolved over the past 12 months to help me become more disciplined with my time.

As a result, I am more productive and more disciplined thanever before.

Are you ready to join the movement? Schedule a call today.

“When you are disciplined, anything is possible.”

Darica is the Founder and CEO of Motidash.

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